From time to time as parents, we may find ourselves asking: Where has my sweet little baby gone? This question generally occurs during periods of intense growth and development, such as teething, moving to a “big kid” […]
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then your toddler probably lavishes you with flattery throughout the day. You might notice your child “driving” in the backseat, putting a nappy on a favourite stuffed animal, or even “taking […]
Despite what your baby sounds like at times, your loved one is not in fact turning into a pterodactyl, a creature from the Amazon rainforest, or a boat. When you hear your baby exploring the wide range of […]
There is a reason children start out small. Changing nappies and clothes, strapping into car seats, bathing, feeding, sleeping (or not): it’s a steep learning curve for new parents! For many of us, it’s only after surviving that first […]
Do you remember the first time your child said your name (or something that closely resembled your name)? Your heart melted a little bit, didn’t it? Then, you probably encouraged your child to say your name again and […]
Children grow up fast, and the first year of life is no exception. Babies grow by leaps and bounds in their first year—or, more accurately, by grasps and shuffles. One minute you hold a newborn who reflexively grasps […]
People crave connections. It’s one of the reasons we have hundreds of Facebook friends, including that kid you played football with 10 (or 20!) years ago, that parent you met in birthing class, and, of course, your circle […]
3,600. That’s the approximate number of times a baby needs a nappy change in the first year alone. (Yowzer! That’s a lot of nappies.) Each one of those nappy changes satisfies baby’s physical needs, but it also meets […]
As a parent, some things are worth repeating—the first time you hold your baby, your child’s first laugh or first few steps, watching your child make a new friend, and even a random snuggle on a rainy day. […]
New parents tend to invest in tons of baby gear—a cot, a buggy, a baby swing, a bouncy seat, a car seat, and, of course, nappies, nappies, and more nappies. Sometime around the one-year mark, though, parents realise […]
Do you remember your child’s first few words? Although the dictionary didn’t include definitions for “da,” “ba-ba,” or “la,” you knew—without a doubt—your little one said daddy, bye, and mummy. (Or, something along those lines!) Now, as a […]
Walk into any family-friendly restaurant, indoor playground, or arcade, and chances are you’ll encounter the Claw. This “game” boasts a glass case full of stuffed animals, sweets, and toys. It looks simple enough: All you have to do […]
It’s hard to argue with a genius like Albert Einstein. After all, he was, well, an actual genius. So it’s no shocker that he was right when he declared that “Play is the highest form of research.” Turns […]
Becoming a parent means becoming a teacher—as in your child’s first and best teacher. But it also means becoming a student. Children teach us how to move and sound like a rubbish lorry, an aeroplane zooming in the […]
Do you remember the first time you tried ice-skating, clinging to the wall around the rink and refusing to let go? There was likely a good deal of wobbling, flailing, and slipping. The experience was probably a bit […]